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Reproductive Rights

As tensions rose around the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, our journalists and production staff created a full package to provide balanced information and a safe forum for voices to be heard. This reporting initiative (created in collaboration with our production team and journalists as well as key community collaborators) includes articles focused on various angles surrounding the topic, a documentary short, panel discussions and collection and responses to community-sourced questions.

FlatlandReproductive Rights
Rating: NR

The Flatland team takes a look at the consequences of the decision to overturn Roe V. Wade

Community Engagement

Kansas City PBS’ digital journalism platform Flatland regularly uses a public initiative called curiousKC to capture questions from our community and use them to inform reporting. The following articles help to answer questions submitted by our community.

Flatland Follow-Up

With the Supreme Court having overturned Roe V. Wade, all eyes turn to the constitutional amendment on the ballot in Kansas. The Flatland team takes a look at the consequences the decision would have on people in our region.

Listen to July’s Flatland Follow-Up: Your Questions on Reproductive Rights

July 2022 Flatland Follow Up Audio

Flatland Follow-Up

Listen to July’s Flatland Follow-Up: Your Questions on Reproductive Rights


Special Event

A Community Conversation on Reproductive Rights which was hosted by our partner in the Kansas City Media Collective, American Public Square, and moderated by our senior reporter Mary Sanchez. The event (offered virtually and in-person) convened a panel of local experts to discuss the economic, legal and human implications of the landmark Supreme Court Decision. Click the lnk below to watch a recording of the event.

In-Depth Coverage 

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KC Media Collective

The Kansas City Media Collective is a collaborative initiative designed to strengthen the local news ecosystem in Kansas City by opening lines of communication among six organizations located in the Kansas City region. Local news is supported through content sharing and collaborative reporting efforts.