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Community Advisory Board

Kansas City PBS’ Community Advisory Board (CAB) is a group of community members from diverse backgrounds who provide essential feedback on our programming and services, ensuring KCPBS meets the needs of the public. CAB members also serve as ambassadors and community connectors for Kansas City PBS.

Chair: Justice Gatson
Vice-Chair: Melissa Ferrer-Civil
Secretary: Vacant

Justin Begnaud
Royce "Sauce" Handy
Bradford Hart
Judy McKee
Setareh Millerlile
Dr. Deborah Osborne
Dr. Tom Ringenberg
Eddie Tapper
Alaine Tate

Kynala Phillips, Kansas City PBS Liaison

Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. (There are no June, July, October or December meetings.) All Kansas City PBS Community Advisory Board meetings are open to the public. Contact KCPBS CAB Liaison Kynala Phillips at 816-398-4235 ext. 4869 for meeting details.

Join the Community Advisory Board

Be the voice that shapes your local PBS station’s future! Whether you’re a lifelong fan of documentaries or a supporter of educational content, Kansas City PBS is seeking enthusiastic individuals passionate about public broadcasting and community engagement to join our Community Advisory Board.

Upcoming CAB Meetings